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Why did I not receive my verification code/One-Time Password (OTP) via SMS?

Why did I not receive my verification code/OTP?

Incorrect mobile number: You may have entered the wrong digit which causes the OTP not to be sent to you.

Poor signal strength: You may be in an area that has poor cellular reception.

Network congestion: Quality of service may be reduced due to the network node or link carrying more data than it should, which delays the OTP message or could be dropped entirely.

Blocked number: Your mobile number may be blocked by the service provider.

Phone memory is full: Your mobile may have run out of space for new data to come in, hence the OTP not being received.

SMS spam filter: You may have turned on a spam filter for SMS accidentally or knowingly, so the OTP sent from the service provider couldn't get through.

Outdated phone software: Once in a while, your iOS or Android software will need an upgrade. If you haven't had an upgrade for a while, this might cause the OTP to not arrive.

Incorrect time settings: This looks like a minor problem, but when you have incorrect time settings, it will cause the OTP to not arrive, as the OTP only operates in real-time and the time period for it to be available is short.

SIM Card issues: SIM cards that are not inserted properly or are damaged might cause the OTP to not arrive.

How to get the code via SMS?

Enter and check twice: After you enter your mobile number, check again to make sure all the right digits are there before clicking "Submit".

Restart your phone: Restarting your phone will most definitely resolve a lot of phone issues you may be facing, including receiving the OTP.

Change location or network: Remove yourself from a poor network reception area or change to another Wi-Fi setting to receive the OTP.

Clear phone memory: It's time to remove the unnecessary files, photos or videos that have been taking up precious space on your phone.

Check spam folder: Check out your spam folder, as your OTP might have ended up there.

Contact service provider: If your number has been blocked for some reason, you may want to contact your service provider to resolve it.

Check DND settings: If you had turned on Do Not Disturb (DND) in the settings, you may turn them off for a while to receive the OTP.

Update phone software: You may go to our settings and look for a software update alert and click it to update your phone software to the latest version.

Correct the time settings: If you noticed your phone is in the wrong time setting, edit it to the correct time to make way for the OTP to arrive in real-time.

Insert the card properly: Take out your card plate, check if there is any damage, and if not, put it back in the plate properly.

Now that you've already fixed the issues, you can try to verify your mobile number again.


EasyParcel is the author of this solution article.

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