Here at EasyParcel, our priority is to bring you a convenient delivery experience. Thus, at every step of your journey, we accommodate you with suitable features that will help you along the way. The 'Order' feature in the EasyParcel Mobile App is one of them. Keep reading to see how you can use this feature to manage your booked parcels to the fullest.
Parcel List
To manage your booked parcels, visit "Order" to access the parcel list. Under parcel list, you can manage your domestic and international parcels under "All Parcel" section; On-Demand parcels under "On-Demand Parcels".
Receiver Info
Under parcel list, you can easily access to reciever info. By clicking into it, you can view the courier details, parcel details, collection details, delivery details and order summary at a glance.
Tracking Number and AWB
The third feature under 'Parcel List' is Tracking Number and AWB.From here, you can easily copy the tracking number, as well as download the AWB in PDF file.
Parcel Status
The fourth feature under 'Parcel List' is 'Parcel Status'. Here you can access to a seamless yet well organized shipping info that able to help you track parcel within seconds.